Find your Dream Team

Project Exponential was started by my friend Michelle. She posted a blog entry about the importance of the people we surround ourselves with. YES! That's what fifty coffees is all about. Who should be on YOUR DREAM TEAM? 

If you’re trying to do something great, you need great people around you. You want people who push you to do and be your best.
— Project Exponential

Assemble your own Dream Team by looking for these key players:

The Mentor - Someone who’s been there. This is a person you respect and admire. They remind you to look at the big picture. You see their life and think “That’s what I want.”

An Advisee – A person you can mentor. They are eager to learn from you and respect your work. Your willingness to teach them and spend time with them affirms your own knowledge and skills, even reminding you where you’ve come from and the lessons you’ve learned along the way.

Your Advocate – No matter what circumstance you find yourself in, you need someone who fights for you and honors what you stand for.

An Equal - A colleague or friend who is in your same boat. You challenge each other to become the best you can possibly be. Compare notes, support each other, get competitive when it’s beneficial.

A Neutral – Someone with no direct investment in your life or work. This is a person who can provide an outside perspective when needed.

The Wildcard – The Wildcard is just that — wild. This person is in an industry completely different than yours. They keep you on your toes and expose you to new experiences and people. Things are never boring when they are around.

Supporting Stars: You need at least one or two people who can support your work and help you prioritize the bigger picture. These are folks you feel comfortable delegating work to, individuals you trust when you need to head out of town.

 * see more from Project Exponential here